Nature is incredible! Hyena Learns To Walk On Two Legs After Lions Attack and Still Alive After 9 Months

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Guess who is back? The famous two-legged hyena who was attacked by a lion 9 months ago is still alive and well! And of course, as Mother Nature would let it play out, it was seen by the very same person again! This amazing sighting happened at Kings Camp in Greater Kruger.

Cathan Moore tells the story:

“On the 18th of April, I was out late at night following the roars of a lion pride when I spotted a pair of eyes in the beam of my torch. To my excitement, it was the bipedal hyena who I had filmed almost 4 months prior!”

“It was astonishing to see that he was still in superb condition and perhaps even healthier than the previous time.”

“However, what was interesting about this sighting with him was that I was able to watch how he interacted with other members of the clan.”

How is this famous two-legged hyena still alive 9 months after lion attack?

“He showed up at the remains of an old kill, where there were already 4 or 5 other hyenas. He immediately rushed in on his two legs and shoved one individual away, before nipping another in the behind.”

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“It was clear that the other individuals were wary of him and that he had the right of way. This leads me to believe that he is a high-ranking member of the clan and gets the right of way at most sources of food. Which would explain how he managed to maintain such a good condition.”

“After the scraps were finished, he lay down for quite some time before getting up and heading off towards the sounds of more hyena giggling, undoubtedly going to bully his way to another meal.”

“Now 9 months after his original injury which left him a paraplegic, he is the perfect example of nature’s resilience and a spectacle of our natural world.”

Go check out Part One of this incredible story!