Mysterious Orb Sightings Over Japan Spark Witness Reports, Triggering Alien Speculation and Provoking Conspiracy Theories

Remarkable images have emerged of an anomaly, apparently inadvertently captured over Japan. Two photographs seem to show five bright lights equidistant from each other, high in a dusk-darkened sky above a stadium.

Multiple UFO orbs spotted over Japanese stadium; conspiracy theorist says aliens are observing - IBTimes India

He said: “Five glowing orbs were seen over a stadium in Japan this week.

“The stadium is 29km [18 miles] from Tokyo.

UFO sighting: A conspiracy theorist has claimed ‘five glowing orbs’ were spotted over Japan (Image: UFO Sightings Daily

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UFO sighting: Images have emerged of an anomaly, apparently inadvertently captured over Japan (Image: UFO Sightings Daily)

“The UFOs are hovering over the Japanese flag on top of the stadium.

“The five glowing orbs are working in unison, but I believe they are five different craft.”

Multiple UFO orbs spotted over Japanese stadium; conspiracy theorist says aliens are observing - IBTimes India

Mr Waring then proceeds to offer a bizarre explanation for why UFOs should wish to observe the baseball game.

He said: “Maybe aliens are there to observe how Japanese are dealing with COVID-19 and the stress of new rules.