Monkey Kept in Crate for 7 Years Has the Best Reaction to His New Sanctuary Home [Video]

If you’re in search of inspiration, a little spark of hope, or just a reason to smile today, then check out this rescue of a handsome monkey named George. George spent seven years living in a tiny crate before Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) stepped in to change his life. What makes this particular rescue even more special is the fact that the founder, Edwin Wiek, carried out the rescue mission himself.

After being contacted by the macaque’s owner, who desperately was seeking help for his friend George, Wiek headed off to the slums of Minburi. While the rescue went pretty quickly, we could watch George admire his new home for hours. He seems impressed with the freshwater, delicious fruit, and all the room to jump and play!

Wiek founded WFFT in 2001 and has been making a difference in the lives of animals ever since. The organization rescues and rehabilitates elephants and other wildlife that have been victimized by humans. Additionally, they work to raise awareness and educate others on the problems Asia’s wildlife faces and how they can support conservation efforts.