Missing Dog Couldn’t Handle His Joy When His Dad Found Him After 200 Days Apart

1,200 miles and 200 hundred days separated a dog owner and his dog! But they could not be apart forever. Their story was shared on Facebook by the Washington County, Tennessee Animal Shelter describing that a dog called Blue went missing from his owner, Pat, for more than 6 months!

The man could not find his dog despite doing his best in his search! He finally thought that he lost him forever especially when he moved to Texas for work.

But destiny had a different opinion as Pat received a video from a friend showing his dog at the shelter! So, Pat left whatever he was doing and drove all the way back to Tennessee to reunite with his dog again!

The shelter caught the moment Pat met his dog on camera and shared online to let people see how emotional the reunion was! No one can doubt that one of the greatest feelings is meeting your beloved ones when you think you lose them forever! How great! Watch the video below.