Miracle Amidst the Rubble: Puppies’ Heartfelt Howls for Days Ignite a Rescue Mission of Hope

“They heard the pups before they saw them …”

There are many stray dogs in the Fort Lupton, Colorado, area who need help, and Soul Dog Rescue tries to save as many as they can — but it’s not always easy.

Some rescue missions are long and difficult, but staff members are usually able to catch the pups and nurse them back to health at the shelter. Other times, the shelter reaches max capacity, and they rely on kind-hearted people to save the dogs in need.

That’s exactly what happened when Soul Dog Rescue received a frantic call from a local Good Samaritan the other day.

The woman, a previous Soul Dog Rescue volunteer named Shimayne, reported seeing a heavily pregnant dog roaming around a desolate stretch of land in Chinle, Colorado. In the few days since she’d last seen her, the dog’s belly disappeared, but her babies were nowhere to be found.

“After watching for a bit, she kept seeing mama [go] to the same concrete rubble pile and assumed the pups were in there,” Soul Dog Rescue wrote on Facebook.

Shimayne and her neighbor searched everywhere for the babies to no avail. They were quickly losing hope when, suddenly, a familiar sound rang out — the high-pitched cry of a young puppy.

“They heard the pups before they saw them and knew they had found mama’s nest,” Soul Dog Rescue wrote.

The rescuers were happily surprised to find seven puppies burrowed under the pile of rubble.

As relieved as they were to finally locate the puppies, their mission was far from over. The babies were hiding under slabs of concrete, which bulldozers were threatening to level.

“It was nerve-wracking, and they had to keep watch and stop the machines from clearing the pile until they could get them out,” Soul Dog Rescue wrote.

Luckily, the heavy machinery stopped just in time, and the Good Samaritans were able to finish their rescue efforts.

“[T]hey managed to get into the small crevice where the pups were and pulled them all out,” Soul Dog Rescue wrote. “Good [S]amaritan number two and her family fostered until we could get them picked up …”

The mama dog, later named Suri, secured a forever home right away, as did two of her puppies. The remaining five pups are still waiting for families of their own, but they’re all in good spirits.

And this little family will be forever grateful to the Good Samaritans who dropped everything to get them to safety.

“We are so grateful for these good people [for] saving their lives,” Soul Dog Rescue wrote. “We see glimpses of light and change, and it’s all [because] of the great people that care that are stopping to help animals in need.”