Meet DD-umbo… the female elephant with a HUGE pair of BOOBS

AN elephant with an unmissable set of human-like boobs has been spotted in a South African wildlife park.

The new mum was out for a walk with her adorable baby and the rest of the herd – but her busty protrusions were what caught the attention of an amused photographer.

South African wildlife photographer Renata Ewald captured the comical pictures of the unusual elephant at Kruger National Park.

Renata said he was travelling through the park and was struck by the elephant’s distinctive assets.

“I immediately noticed this particular female,” said Renata, “with her baby and super large breasts that you could see from the sides.

“People were stunned by the lookalike breasts of this female elephant and human females.

“I spend a lot of time in Kruger, and I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Humans are the only animal in the world to have permanently swollen breasts all-year round, as all other animals only develop boobs after the latter state of pregnancy as they get ready for breastfeeding.

But it looks as though the elephant spotted by Renata may give even the bustiest Victoria’s Secret models a run for their money.

“It was a lightbulb moment in my head, and I thought, ‘She looks like a woman,’” Renata added.

“It was amazing to watch, and I just managed to capture the moment her full ‘double d’ breasts were displayed right in front of me.

“I was stunned – although I knew elephant’s breasts sit in front, it was amazing to see the lookalike comparison.

“I love elephants, and I’m always excited to see them – especially the breeding herds with all the young ones.

“This particular sighting was very special, as they seemed so happy and full of joy.”

However, Renata believes the photo offers much more than just a cheap giggle.

He said: “I came across this breeding herd in the early hours of the morning, and stopped a safe distance from them to enjoy their presence.

“I hope this photo helps people gain more respect for elephants – they carry their babies for 21 months, and then people slaughter them so disrespectfully for their ivory.

“It really breaks your heart.

“They are highly intelligent animals, with tight family bonds – they have so many comparisons to humans, and should be shown the same level of respect.”

The photo comes just after reports were released claiming that elephants could be completely wiped out by 2020 due to ivory hunters.

The elephant death rate from poachers currently sits at eight per cent, which is significantly higher than the 7.4 per cent level that led to the international ivory trade ban in 1989.