Martial Arts Master Escapes Beast’s Clutches While Scaling Rockface: A Japanese Climber’s Thrilling Tale

This is the terrifying moment a climber was forced to use his martial arts skills to fight off an enraged bear in Japan.

The climber could be heard screaming as the black bear lunged at him repeatedly on a rock face on Japan’s Mount Futago earlier this month.

Fearing for his life, the man lashed out at the snarling beast, using his fists and feet to strike it until it gave up and ran away.

The unnamed climber believes the mother bear was defending her cub and that he had invaded her territory.

The terrifying interaction happened earlier this month on Mount Futago in Japan. Footage shows the animal charging at him while he was clinging onto a rockface

The bear lunged at him as she was defending her cub and even though he punched, kicked and screamed and fought it off, it came back

The footage ends with the bear going to a bush with her cub while the climber, terrified, checks that it is not going to return.

But he said he used his karate and mixed martial arts training as he had to defend himself.

He said that this was likely to have saved his life.

He then did the same thing, fighting it off until it seemed to give up and run away

The footage ends with the bear going to a bush with her cub while the climber, terrified, checks that it is not going to return

It comes after a bear injured four people in the Japanese city of Sapporo last June.

Dramatic footage showed the bear bounding down busy streets before it darted across a main road and started clawing at the gates of the barracks where it knocked a soldier to the ground as other troops fled in terror.

Schools were shut and flights were cancelled at the regional airport as a team of hunters were deployed alongside police to track the animal down.