Lovely moment a dog comes to the rescue of an unfortunate cat with a PIZZA BAG stuck on its head

Dogs and cats aren’t renowned for their close friendship.

But in this amazing clip a friendly pooch is seen helping out his feline mate.

The adorable footage shot in Louisa, Kentucky, shows an unfortunate cat with her head stuck in a pizza bag.


The adorable footage shot in Louisa, Kentucky, shows an unfortunate cat with her head stuck in a pizza bag

The trapped cat is meowing away, helplessly wandering around the back of a pick-up truck.

Eventually the poor moggy takes a blind leap of faith off the vehicle and onto the ground where it’s met by its pooch pal.

The cute dog inquisitively approaches the lost cat and sniffs at the litter lodged on its head.

It then gently nips at the bag with its teeth and pulls it away, freeing the cat from its plastic prison.

The person who recorded the footage said: ‘I walked outside and saw the cat with the bag on its head.

‘I thought people might think it was funny, so I recorded it.’

Remarks of ‘oh my god’ can be heard in the video as they watched the heartwarming scenes unfold.

The cute dog inquisitively approaches the lost cat and sniffs at the litter lodged on its head