Las Vegas Resident’s ‘Terrifying’ UFO Encounter and ’10ft aliens’ Sighting in Backyard. Las Vegas police body-cam footage shows possible UFO.

Las Vegas man describes ‘terrifying’ experience of seeing ‘UFO in the night sky’ and ’10ft aliens’ in his backyard – as he releases recording of his panicked encounter

A Las Vegas man who claimed to have witnessed two ‘8-foot creatures’ with ‘big shiny eyes’ in his own backyard last month, spoke out about the mysterious encounter, explaining what he experienced the night of May 31.

The YouTube video posted Thursday presented further details about the alleged ‘UFO crash’ and the creatures the man called ‘100 percent not human.’

‘I know some people are not going to believe this,’ he begins ‘but I just wanted to tell you about what happened to me and my family.’

The man then details the evenings developments, step-by-step.

‘I hear something fall from the sky. I turn around. The only thing I see is a big light falling from the sky, and moments later I feel a big impact and a bang,’ the man claimed in the now-viral YouTube video.

The potential UFO sighting has been caught on Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department bodycam footage

A Las Vegas man who claimed to have witnessed two ‘8-foot creatures’ with ‘big shiny eyes’ in his own backyard shared new details about the May 31 evening in a YouTube video posted Thursday

In his explanation video, he also revealed new ring camera footage, allegedly from a neighbors security camera, which clearly shows a bright light with the sound of a massive bang.

‘When that happened, the only thing I can see in the backyard is a tall creature. Probably around eight, ten feet tall. Very thin, he further added.

‘So, I call my dad. He went to backyard, and he saw the same creature I saw. He told me to go inside the house. At this point, we’re all freaking out me and my family.’

The man described the figure he supposedly saw as a ‘tall, skinny, lengthy creature, and greyish green in color.’

‘When I looked at it in the eyes, my body just froze. like the same experience of having sleep paralysis,’ he said about the terrifying encounter.’

‘I’m staring at him and I’m looking at his whole body and he has weird looking feet and a big face and eyes and you could see a big mouth,’ he added.

‘I could hear his loud deep breathing and I could see his stomach moving. He would just stare at me, seconds later I could start moving again. That’s when I called 911,’ he said, before playing the previously shared police call.

This comes after police bodycam of the Vegas officer’s who responded to the man’s call was released, which showed their camera picking up the strange blue ball of light at about 11:50 pm on April 30.

Approximately 39 minutes after the first call, another resident contacted 911, saying that there were two unknown entities in his backyard after he saw an object fall from the sky.

The man’s new video, posted June 8, has already reached 320,663 views and near 4,000 comments – with many skeptical of his story, while other thanking him for sharing it.

The clip, called ‘I had aliens in my backyard part 1’ is the first video on the man’s new YouTube account ‘Alien Society51’. It’s unclear whether a part two will be coming soon.

Social media users were left stunned, sharing various theories and explanations for the man’s bizarre story.

While many seem to be totally convinced of the veracity of the story, others are questioning why there are no photos of the creatures who supposedly spent some time in the family’s backyard.

Witnesses described something ‘100 percent not human’ falling from the sky

Responding officers expressed their trepidation at attending the scene

‘I want to believe but it’s extremely suspicious that you recorded everything else surrounding the event, but didn’t manage to take a single photo or video of the creatures or the supposed spacecraft. It just seems a bit hard to believe, no offense. Especially since you recorded everyone standing around looking at the back yard but didn’t zoom in or try to get it on camera. The whole thing just seems a bit fishy to me,’ one skeptical user wrote.

Despite speculation, the majority of users commenting are invested in the story and anticipating a part two.

One user said ‘The ring video is intriguing.. I’m surprised not more people in the neighborhood were out trying to figure out the loud noise..? Looking forward to part 2 , thank you!!’

Others are calling the man ‘brave’ and sharing similar experiences.

‘I’m very interested in your encounter. I’ve had a similar experience. One thing I can warn you about is that once you’ve had an encounter you will start to have other bizarre things happen. There will be a lot of people who will ridicule you. I honestly had more trauma inflicted on me by the UFO community than any alien beings ever did. Stay strong. You’re a brave young man,’ one user wrote.

Some point to the fact that police admit to seeing something fall out of the sky too, as a sign that the man’s story is believable or at least that something definitely crashed.

‘… what I find more believable is the fact that it was not the kid only that saw it but their entire family it seems. I want to believe this one.’

The question is, if not ‘aliens,’ what did crash?

With two nearby Air Force Bases – Creech and Nellis – there is a theory that a piece of aircraft may be behind the crash

An 8 News NOW report which originally broke the story, shared the theory but the Air Forces Bases have denied being involved.

With two nearby Air Force Bases – Creech and Nellis – there is a theory that a piece of aircraft may be behind the crash.

An 8 News NOW report which originally broke the story, shared the theory but the Air Forces Bases have denied being involved.

The report also mentions a possible equipment malfunction, which the government collects.

Another plausible theory is simply that the man’s story is an elaborate hoax.

Despite the unanswered questions, the man’s testimony and the video footage has sent shockwaves across social media platforms, captivating users with its bewildering chain of events.