Kumburgaz UFO Video Mystery Persists: Controversial Footage of ‘Real Aliens’ Sparks Ongoing Debate from 2007-2009

‘Real aliens’ in Kumburgaz UFO video from 2007-2009 continue to divide opinions

It’s been years since the video of an alleged UFO flying over Kumburgaz, Turkey found its way into the Internet, and to date, people have been debating over the claims that the scary clip captures images of “real aliens.”

TikTok has become the breeding ground for rumors and speculations surrounding alleged UFO sightings across the world and random claims about the possible existence of “aliens.” Fueling the exciting rumors was the incident on a plane, when a lady’s claims about a co-passenger who was “not real”, convinced people aliens were aboard the American Airlines flight.

Kumburgaz UFO video sparks ‘real aliens’ claims

A video allegedly captured sometime between the years 2007 and 2009, claims to show a UFO flying over Kumburgaz in Turkey.

The clip has been making rounds on TikTok once again, as critics and UFO enthusiasts have taken it upon themselves to determine the authenticity of the video as it is accompanied by highly unbelievable claims.

Several content creators have shared close-up shots of the alleged UFO in the video, which appears to show “someone” seated inside. The popular belief holds it shows “aliens”, who are flying the spaceship on Earth.

These images, whose origin is unclear, show two creatures that were supposedly seen inside the flying craft and fit the traditional description of aliens – big-eyed creatures sans hair with elongated body features.

A few others have backed the claim up saying the images of the alleged aliens were captured using a camera that’s capable of “long-range optical zoom.”

While the possibilities of aliens on the Earth continue to be debated, you can watch the below TikTok to reach a conclusion for yourself.

Clip reportedly captured between 2007-2009′ divides TikTok users

Some TikTok users, as always, are highly skeptical about the unrealistic and even scary claims associated with the Kumburgaz UFO video, thus refuting theories about aliens. Many think the images are either CGI or AI-generated.

But a few others who have come to believe the claims have argued that the video and the aliens on it are “real.”

One commented: “This has already been debunked ages ago, I can’t believe it’s still relevant.”

“Bro, this should be seen more. This is literally the next biggest human discovery by mankind,” argued another.

A third person added to the above comment by saying: “I’ve been talking about Turkey Video for several years. Remember seeing this years ago, it’s still the best evidence today.”

Differing from the above comments another user said: “Ya’ll must really be naive to believe this is true! It’s clearly CGI. Too funny people are.”