Kitty got claws! Photographs show lioness telling off sheepish male after mating session

King of the jungle or not, one sheepish lion got more than he bargained for after a proud lioness gave him a good telling off following a mating session.

Photographs show the lioness roaring at her male counterpart who looks shocked by her displeasure.

The dramatic images, captured by Shayne McGuire during a visit to the Massai Mara in Kenya, show the lion cowering in fear of the lioness.

Caught off guard, he stares at her sheepishly before returning back to his usual self and yelling back.

The dramatic photographs show the lioness roaring at the king of the jungle who looks shocked at her obvious displeasure

The lion and lioness were captured having a sexual encounter in the Massai Mara before the lion receives a telling off

Following their mating session the lioness roars in fury at her male counterpart in a state of frustration and rage

Clearly caught off guard the lion stares at her with a sheepish look and cowers in fear in a state of shock

The lion still looks in shock after the animals have stopped roaring at one another

This is not the first time a lion has been on the receiving end of a furious lioness.

In January, George Hart captured an angry lioness roaring into the face of the lion in the Central Serengeti, Tanzania during his first ever African safari.

The lion was spotted cowering away in fear and covering his face with his paw during the fierce lovers’ tiff.

In July, game reserve manager, Giuseppe D’amico, spotted an enraged lioness slapping her partner across the face on the green plains of Tanzania in the Ndutu area.

The fighting pair were also seen baring their teeth at each other during the domestic dispute.