Kind Divers’ Lucky Rescue: Turtle Caught in Plastic Receives Timely Help and Freedom

A baby sea turtle had a lucky break last month when a group of divers lent him a helping hand.

The divers were on their way back from an afternoon swim in the Maldives when they spotted the young turtle near the surface of the water. Eager to check him out, they inched closer, only to realize something was terribly wrong.

The poor little turtle had somehow become entangled in a plastic bag, which had twisted around his front flipper and was cutting into his skin. Fortunately, they stepped up to help.

At first, he wasn’t very happy to be lifted out of the water.

Sorry, buddy.

Exhausted from dragging the bag around, he soon gave up and let the divers help him out …

… as long as they didn’t get too close.

Best of luck, little guy.