Illuminating the Sky: The Mysterious Green Laser Emanating from Amundsen-Scott Antarctica Station

On June 12, 2023, Dr. Steven Greer held a stunning UFO disclosure press event at Washington’s D.C. press club. One of the whistleblowers was Eric Hecker, Raytheon contractor who worked at the Ice Cube Neutrino observatory, constructed at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica, from 2010-2011.

Green laser  beaming into space from the Amundsen-Scott Antarctica Station on June 17, 2023.

Not only Eric Hecker stated that this Antarctica station is a huge air traffic control power station that monitors all interstellar craft that be operated by humans as well as non-humans but he also said that he witnessed a powerful green laser on top of this facility beaming into the cosmos.

According to the official statement, this green laser instrument, the so-called LIDAR, is used to study the atmosphere. Now, on June 17, 2023 the webcam of the Amundsen-Scott base captured such a green laser beaming directly into space, but Eric believes this laser is a form of long range communications or defense system.

If Eric is right that this green laser is used for long range communications, then it may be possible that this instrument is used to communicate with interstellar craft (like the secret space fleet) that be operated by humans.

Green laser  beaming into space from the Amundsen-Scott Antarctica Station on June 17, 2023.