Heartwarming Video: Baby Humpback Whale’s Heroic Effort to Rescue Trapped Mother in Australian Waters

Please move, mum: Brave baby whale nudges her ‘distressed’ mother to freedom after she becomes stranded on a sandbar

A brave baby whale has freed her mother after the distressed humpback became stranded on a sandbank.

Heartrending footage shows the pair swimming in shallow water off North Stradbroke Island in Queensland before the adult became stuck.

The calf could be seen nudging her ‘distressed’ mother, who was splashing her tail trying to free herself.

A baby humpback whale has freed her mother after she was stranded on a sandback

The stranded whale is pictured here on Friday morning, half out of the water

After circling her mother and pushing her from all sides, the calf managed to move her mother enough to help her escape.

Rescue crews had been on the way to help the pair before they managed to swim off into deeper water.

‘The calf is following behind the mother and both appear to be swimming on their own,’ a Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service spokesman told Daily Mail Australia.

‘Boaties are asked to avoid the area for safety reasons, and also to give the animals the best chance of leaving the area safely.’

This is the second time this week they had been stranded.

Heartrending footage shows the calf nudging her mum trying to move her

Rescue crews had been on the way to help the pair

Queensland Parks and Wildlife have asked boaties to avoid the area