Heartwarming Rescue: Shivering Puppy Saved After Being Swept Away from Mother by Raging Floodwaters in Southern India

Footage captured in the Vellore District of Tamil Nadu, on November 19, shows the tiny dog following its mother through the fast-flowing water to a section of dry land

However, the puppy struggles to make it across to its mother and whines in distress.

The brave little dog tries again and again to find a route across but the waters are too strong and sweep it further and further downstream.

This shivering puppy had to be rescued after being swept from its mother by raging floodwaters in India

The pup fought valiantly against the strong currents in the Vellore District of Tamil Nadu

A firefighter used a system of ropes to make himself safe before venturing out to rescue the dog. He gently picked up the pup in need and secured it in a bag

The shivering puppy was comforted on the bridge before being reunited with its mother who was also rescued

Eventually a firefighter secured with a system of ropes came to the puppy’s rescue.

The fireman made his way to the puppy and placed him in a bag before bringing him up to a bridge, where two dozen locals were watching the daring rescue.

The puppy was later reunited with its mother, who was also saved by a fire and rescue team.

More than two dozen onlookers were captivated by the life-or-death situation for the puppy as they watched on from a bridge above the river on November 19

The puppy had initially been with its mother but was washed away when it tried to follow her

The adorable dog shivered and whined in distress, prompting onlookers to call for a fire and rescue team

A spokesman for the rescue team said both the puppy and its mother are now healthy.

Monsoon season typically lasts from June until September in India but torrential rains that caused this flooding in Tamil Nadu are forecast to continue over the next three days.

Five people have died due to heavy rainfall in the past two days in Tamil Nadu, according to authorities in the region.