Heartwarming Naptime: Adorable Video Captures Toddler Fast Asleep, Cuddled Up with Tiny Puppies in an Adorable Cuddle Fest – Don’t Miss the Cuteness

This adorable fifteen-second clip might just be enough to make your heart melt.

The video, shared on Facebook by the clothing brand,Showpo, just 18 hours ago, shows a tiny toddler fast asleep next to three, adorable puppies.

The tiny pups crawl all over him as he sleeps quietly.

Viral video: A video shared on Facebook might just make your heart melt – it shows three tiny puppies cuddled up to an adorable toddler while he is fast asleep

One of many: This is one of many viral videos of kids with puppies

While the video is only short in length, it has managed to captivate the hearts of its audience on social media.

The post, captioned: ‘omg puppies’ on Facebook, has already been shared close to 2,000 times.

It has also attracted an impressive 6,000 comments.

In some of the top comments, users have tagged friends, commented on the ‘cuteness’ of the ‘Frenchie’ puppies, and discussed how sweet the scene is.

Even though there are three tiny bodies crawling on top of him, the toddler doesn’t wake up.

Hit home: Despite only being on Facebook for a number of hours, the clip has already attracted thousands of likes and comments thanks to the ‘cuteness’ of the scene

More to come: It has also encouraged others to share their own snaps of children with puppies

Sleeping still: Despite the fact that the three French bulldog pups crawl all over the toddler, the little one remains sleeping throughout

Though neither toddler nor pups’ names are identified in the video, this clip is packed full of the cute factor.

The adorable video appears to dispute recent findings that dogs don’t like a cuddle and that hugging stresses them out

A canine’s first line of defense is to run away, and by depriving them of that through picking them up or hugging them, owners are making them miserable and anxious, a study has found.

Cute factor: For anyone in need of a pick-me-up or for any fans of French bulldogs and/or cute babies, this might just be your favourite clip of the year

Research carried out by Dr Stanley Coren, a canine expert and professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, found that four in five dogs dislike cuddles from owners.

He examined 250 dogs being hugged by adults and children and analysed them for signs of stress.

He found that in 81.6 per cent of cases, the dogs had at least one sign of discomfort, stress, or anxiety.

Only 7.6 per cent showed comfortable dogs whilst the remaining 10.8 per cent were either neutral or ambiguous.

Dr Coren said The key to understanding why is that, quite simply, ‘dogs are not human children’.