Heartwarming Moment When A Dog Is Released From His Chain For The First Time In 15 Years. The Old Dog Never Expect He Could Enjoy The Beach in Free.

Labrador-cross Bear was left tethered to a rickety doghouse in his owner’s backyard which offered little protection from brutal winters

The pet pooch – named Bear – had been forced to live outside his owner’s house in Long Island, New York, for almost his entire life, the New York Post reports.

This is the heartwarming moment a dog has his chain cut after being left shackled for 15 yearsCredit: Facebook / Guardians of Rescue​

Bear the Labrador-chow cross-breed was left tethered to a rickety doghouse for years, according to rescuersCredit: Guardians of Rescue

The Labrador-chow cross-breed was left tethered to a rickety doghouse which offered little protection from brutal winter weather, according to Guardians of Rescue.

But footage has revealed the moment Bear has his chain cut by animal rescue workers, telling him: “You’re free!”

He added: “But they did the right thing [surrendering Bear] and now he’s being shown things he’s never seen before and the time he has left can be a special treat.”

Animal rescue group the Guardians of Rescue came to the dog’s aidCredit: Facebook / Guardians of Rescue​

Rescue workers say they hope to find Bear a nice warm indoor homeCredit: Facebook / Guardians of Rescue​

Bear was left outside for nearly his entire life, rescuers claimCredit: Guardians of Rescue

Rescue workers say Bear’s owners did the right thing in letting him goCredit: Guardians of Rescue

Bear is now at Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue in Port Jefferson Station, waiting to be adopted.

He’s been given a clean bill of health and all his vaccinations.

“We come across a lot of chained-up dogs and you can’t get near them because of their frustration of being chained up – but that wasn’t the case here,” said Misseri, who believes an older owner might best suit Bear.

“When we arrived, he was wagging his tail. He greeted us. He’s great with people.”

After cutting Bear free from his chain, rescuers took Bear straight to a spa for grooming.

And the love didn’t stop there. Rescuers brought Bear to Port Jefferson, New York, so he could see the beach for the first time in his 15 years on earth.

Bear played with the ducks and seagulls and stood for a long time with his paws in the water.

“He loves the sand between his paws,” one rescuer said, as they walked Bear along the shore.

This is only the beginning for the old dog. Rescuers know that Bear has a lot of catching up to do, so they plan to take him to dog parks and on car rides so he can see the world he’s missed for so long.

After his day at the beach, bear had another treat in store for him: his first “puppuccino.”

“One phone call from someone in the community set the wheels in motion that have changed Bear’s life,” Misseri said. “That’s a true success story and why we exist.”

If you’re interested in giving Bear the home he always deserved, you can contact Guardians of Rescue at [email protected] or 631-891-8430.