Heartwarming Moment: Rescuers Strive to Liberate Velvety Captive Entrapped Amidst Weighty Rocks

“This is not a normal rescue …”

Along the coast of Northumberland in North East England, large gray rocks serve as a sea defense wall, keeping the water at bay.

The rocks are huge, heavy and nearly impossible to move, which is why when one little velvety animal recently found himself trapped between the boulders, rescuers knew they were in for a uniquely difficult job.

In early March, British Divers Marine Life Rescue received a call from a concerned member of the public alerting them to the seal in distress. They quickly rushed to the scene, only to discover that the rocks weren’t going to budge. They’d have to get creative.

“It was obvious, due to the restricted access to him, we would need to do something different,” a representative from British Divers Marine Life Rescue told The Dodo.

Soon, they figured it out — instead of moving the boulders, they’d move the seal backwards out of a small gap in the rocks. After putting a towel over the seal’s head to keep him calm, rescuers carefully maneuvered the seal to safety.

“As this is not a normal rescue, medics had to explore all the possibilities for his extraction,” British Divers Marine Life Rescue wrote in a Facebook post. “Fortunately, with adrenaline filled strength, and a little submission from the seal, the medics managed to get the pup out and up onto the promenade.”

Once they’d freed him from the rocks, rescuers examined the seal and found that, while he’d sustained some minor injuries, he was in good condition. The seal, surely overwhelmed by his crazy day, was ready for a nap.

“He understandably had some wounds and was very scared and tired,” the rescue group wrote in the post.

The seal is currently living at Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Centre, where he is expected to make a full recovery and eventually return to the wild.

Soon the seal will be back to doing what he loves most — swimming in the salty waters he calls home, hopefully steering clear of the rocks this time.

Tragic seal who lived entangled in fishing net put down after nearly drowning

The tragic seal had survived in the wild since 2018 with wire netting around her neck until she eventually got trapped on a beach and deteriorated, forcing rescuers to put her down

A poor seal which has been entangled in a net for more than two years had to be put down after suffering from organ failure.

Rescuers tried desperately to save the mammal, named Hattie, after she was rescued from drowning last month, but she was too exhausted and the chances of her surviving in the wild were unlikely.

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The unfortunate animal was discovered struggling on a beach near Land’s End in Cornwall, on April 28, after becoming wedged between boulders.

She faced drowning in high tide and was found by the Land’s End Coastguard Rescue Team and charity volunteers just in time.

The seal had a dreadful wound around her neck

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A spokesman for the hospital said the sad decision to put her down was taken after Hattie began “showing signs of a more complex, underlying illness going on”.

Rescuers managed to get her to hospital but she had organ dysfunction

The spokesman added: “Some blood tests revealed that she was likely to be suffering from some major organ dysfunction.

“Hattie’s quality of life was declining and her chances of recovery from such a major illness and eventual release back into the wild were extremely slim.”

Hattie had already been identified as suffering a horrendous neck wound that was 1.5in deep from a discarded ghost net that had become stuck around her throat two years earlier.

She was believed to be a five-year-old female spotted by Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust in December 2018, with the fishing wire and netting lodged around her neck.

Volunteers also helped to free the trapped animal

The spokesman added: “We are comforted at least by the fact that her final days were in an environment where she was safe and well cared for,” said the hospital spokesperson.

“She was a very special seal and one which I’m sure we will all remember.”

In the wild, seals can live for up to 30 years with females boasting a higher life expectancy than males.

The smallest seal species in existence is the Galapagos Fur Seal, which measures just 1m in length and 45kg in weight, whilst the largest is the Southern Elephant Seal, which weighs a staggering 3,850kgs and measures up to 5m in length.