Heartwarming Gesture: Dog Soothes Crying Brother by Fetching His Favorite Toy, Showing Compassion and Selflessness in Touching Moment

The fluffball is an indistinct plush yellow thing that Brutus likes to carry around in his mouth. “It’s the only toy that he won’t tear apart in five minutes,” Bonnie Michalek, Brutus’ human, told The Dodo.

Despite Brutus’ penchant for destroying toys, he’s the most loyal and gentle dog.

Bonnie Michalek and her husband have had Brutus since they got him in 2016, as soon as they had a house big enough for a big dog like him. “I call him my first baby,” Michalek said.

Michalek has to make the distinction of “first” now because she gave birth to their first human child 11 weeks ago: a son named Kayden.

Even though Kayden is a new experience for the whole family, the Michaleks had no concerns about whether Brutus would get along well with the new baby.

“Brutus knew I was pregnant before I did — he definitely sensed it before I knew,” Michalek said. “On the nights my husband was working Brutus refused to be in his crate.”

When Kayden was born, Brutus went to stay at Bonnie’s parents’ house. And when his family came to pick him up, Bonnie was cognizant that Brutus, being the mama’s boy he is, would want a little time alone with her before being introduced to the baby.

“I made sure to pay some attention to him,” Michalek said. Then she let Brutus come in and meet the baby. “Brutus completely bypassed my husband to meet Kayden. He immediately wanted to give him kisses and snuggle up to him.”

Ever since that first day, Brutus hasn’t let Kayden out of his sight.

The fluffball always makes Brutus feel good, so he figured it could work the same magic for his little brother. (No need to tell him that milk works a little better.)

The whole family is looking forward to the future with Kayden.

“We go to our cabin every summer and we go hiking and Brutus has loved that ever since he was a puppy. I went there as kid,” Michalek said. “I’m super excited to bring Kayden along.”

Everyone is learning and growing now that Kayden is here. And Brutus just learned that, in addition to the fluffball, there are other kinds of toys out there that aren’t even for dogs — but hopefully Kayden will return the favor and share.