Heartbreaking Loyalty: Dog Waiting for Owner Who Jumped Off Bridge Touches Hearts Worldwide

Loyal pet dog ‘waits on a bridge for four days after watching his owner kill himself by jumping into river’

A loyal dog in China has waited on a bridge for four days after watching its owner committing suicide, according to reports.

Heart-breaking images show the faithful pet sitting on the pavement of Yangtze Bridge in Wuhan, where its owner reportedly took their life.

Its devotion has touched the hearts of thousands of people after pictures of the pooch were uploaded to social media.


A loyal pet dog in China has waited on a bridge for four days after watching its owner jump into a river, Chinese media report. The pictures released by Chinese media show the loyal pet

The photos were initially taken by a resident, known by his surname Xu, after he saw the pet dog waiting on the bridge, according to Chutian Metropolis Newspaper.

Mr Xu, who intended to adopt the dog, tried to pick up the pet canine on Friday. But the animal ran away.

Du Fan, director of Wuhan Small Animal Protection Association, saw Mr Xu’s post and started to look for the animal with local volunteers.

Mr Du told the press that the dog followed its owner to the Yangtze Bridge on the evening of May 30.

‘We asked the bridge officers to check what exactly happened. It was really dark, [we] couldn’t see much on the surveillance footage,’ Mr Du told Pear Video on Sunday.

‘[We saw that] the person jumped straight away.’

Mr Du said that his volunteers are now trying to track down the faithful animal’s whereabouts. He also pledged anyone to come forward if they had seen the animal.

‘We still hope to find a new owner for the dog,’ Mr Du said.

‘We think it’s too sad for such a loyal dog to stray on the streets.’

The organisation told MailOnline on Tuesday that the pet dog is still missing as local volunteers and residents continue the search.

The pooch’s devotion has brought thousands of people to tears on Chinese social media.

One commenter wrote: ‘Omg this makes me teared up. Guys, please cherish your life and remember there are a lot people who love you.’

Another wrote: ‘Hope they can find the dog soon so it doesn’t have to stray anymore. Find a good family who would treat it well!’

Du Fan, director of Wuhan Small Animal Protection Association, told the press that the dog followed its owner to the Yangtze Bridge in the city of Wuhan on the evening of May 30

The news comes as a deceased COVID-19 victim’s loyal dog who waited for his owner inside the lobby of a Wuhan hospital for over three months was recently given to a dog shelter.

The seven-year-old male mongrel – given the name Xiao Bao (Little Treasure) – arrived at Wuhan Taikang Hospital with his elderly owner at the height of the coronavirus pandemic in February.

Sadly the pensioner succumbed to the virus after just five days, but Xiao Bao refused to leave according to hospital cleaner Zhu Youzhen, 65.

Xiao Bao was treated by vets and has also been sterilised as he prepares to be re-homed.

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The seven-year-old male mongrel – given the name Xiao Bao (Little Treasure) – arrived at Wuhan Taikang Hospital in Central China ‘s Hubei Province with his elderly owner

On 13th April, after Wuhan lifted its lockdown restrictions and the hospital supermarket reopened, he was cared for by shopkeeper Wu Cuifen