Golden Puppy Becomes Guide Dog For Blind Brother & Their Friendship Is The Cutest

Charlie is a very senior dog at 11 years old. A few years ago, his world went black following his eyes being removed due to glaucoma. While he seemed to deal with the change relatively well, he still began to slow down and become less excited.

Chelsea StipeHowever, Charlie recently got a new lease on life in the form of a new friend.

Chelsea StipeCharlie’s owners, Chelsea Stipe and her husband, knew that he was a happy dog, and figured that he could use a friend in his golden years – and they were not wrong.

Chelsea StipeOnce the couple brought home Maverick, Charlie began to change for the better.

Chelsea StipeMaverick and Charlie became instant best friends, with little Maverick’s energy and joy becoming infectious for Charlie.

Chelsea Stipe“Charlie has definitely been more playful and puppy-like since Maverick came around. We’d buy him toys and he wouldn’t think about playing with them. Now, they’re just constantly playing with each other,” Stipe revealed to The Dodo.

Even though Maverick is only a few months old, he understands Charlie is older and experiencing the world without his sight – and the young pup has adapted his habits in order to help his friend through his handicap.

Chelsea StipeStipe said, “He knows Charlie is different. He’ll put toys in front of him. He’s very aware when Charlie starts to move, to be on the lookout for him. When they walk together, Maverick helps keep Charlie in line.”

Maverick often sleeps alongside Charlie as well, as though reminding the older dog that he’s not alone.

Chelsea StipeWhile there is a great difference in their ages, that does nothing to hinder their friendship – if anything it strengthens it.

Chelsea Stipe“It’s amazing. They’re just such a great combo,” Stipe claimed. “They’re always together.”

While there is no going back in time to make Charlie younger, Maverick has certainly improved his golden years and given this old dog a new breath of life.

Chelsea Stipe“Charlie’s an older dog. We used to think we could lose him at any time. But now, with Maverick, it’s like he got this jolt in him, this zest for life again. If he had eyes, I know there’d be a twinkle in them,” Stipe said.