Golden Eagle Shows Off Impressive Power Flying Away With Fox

Eagles are equally majestic and terrifying.

They can swoop down and snag fish from the water, fly off with geese, fight coyotes, I mean they’re just truly an incredible bird.


Golden eagles are one of the largest, fastest, and nimblest flying raptors in North America. They maintain a home range of up to 77 square miles, and have an average wingspan of over 6 feet.

Despite being voracious hunters, golden eagles are also fantastic parents.

Mother and father birds both take turns defending the nest, incubating the eggs, hunting for food, and feeding the chicks. Golden eagles also build some of the biggest nests in the bird world, often times 5-6 feet wide and 2 feet tall.

The largest golden eagle nest on record was an astonishing 20 feet tall and 8.5 feet wide, and they can reach a top speed of 120 miles per hour.

But speed isn’t their only impressive attribute; they also have incredible power, which is shown no better than in this video.

While there’s not many details on where this took place, a golden eagle was able to snag a fox, pin it down, then take off, carrying the poor creature to certain death.

Foxes typically weight 7 to 15 pounds, so even if this was a smaller guy, it’s still a truly impressive feat.

Hats off to the golden eagle.