German shepherd dog rescued after 8 years of abuse died after gaining family

Rex, a dog mistreated by his former owners and taken in by the Strasbourg SPA, has died. but this is partially mitigated by the fact that after so many years of suffering, Rex was able to live the warm and loving family life he deserved at the end of his life.

Rex’s story caused a stir. He suffered terrible trauma before being rescued from a spa in Strasbourg and found peace with his adoptive family last Tuesday.

This German Shepherd’s nightmare lasted eight years. At the beginning of the year, the Strasbourg SPA asked for help in finding new accommodation on its Facebook page.


Before, I only knew suffering and loneliness. He was held captive in a barn filled with dirt and human waste. People only visited him to eat and drink. He did not receive the love of the people.

He was originally adopted in April 2021 after being rescued and taken to a shelter. Rex had an inflammatory disease that left him extremely rough and covered in boils. Due to his deteriorated health, he was on the verge of death. He was then almost saved. The German shepherd was sent back to the refuge in Alsace because his masters could not keep him.


Rex was given another chance after Strasbourg SPA posted a Facebook post about him in January. This time the decision was final. He was adopted by a family from Philipsburg (Moselle). Shelter staff and vets provided excellent care for the cat and she was able to fully enjoy her new life.


A valuable life lesson in resilience.

They took care of him and loved him to the end. Until June 21, Tuesday, when he was forced to leave due to his new illness.