From һeагtЬгeаk to Hope and Back: The гoɩɩeгсoаѕteг Journey of a Rescued Dog’s Adoption Story

The internet has been left heartbroken after a dog who waited 500 days for adoption was returned to the shelter just one week later.

The American pit bull, named Drogo, was originally taken to the Austin Animal Center, Texas, in March 2022 after his owner was evicted, according to Newsweek.

But they never returned to collect him and the three-year-old had been struggling to find a home ever since.

Last month, after waiting nearly two years, he was finally adopted but it wasn’t meant to be – with the internet branding the latest development as ‘heartbreaking.’

The American pit bull, named Drogo, was originally taken to the Austin Animal Center, Texas, in March 2022 after his owner was evicted – and has been struggling to find a home ever since

The Austin Animal Center, which shares regular updates on social media, has been documenting Drogo’s journey.

Workers have said that the pooch, who is house trained, leash trained and loves car rides, is often overlooked by potential owners.

In July, however, it seemed as though he was finally going to get his chance as part of a loving family when someone came forward.

But just one week later his new owners returned him after he ‘nipped’ the adopter.

The shelter shared a heartbreaking clip to TikTok, which has been viewed more than 99,000 times, in which they wrote: ‘When you wait 500 days to find a home and then get returned after one week.

‘Shelter dogs need time to adjust to a new home. Drogo didn’t even get the chance.

‘Now he’s back at the shelter again waiting for his real forever family.’

It also added in the caption: ‘We are all crushed that Drogo was returned to the shelter so quickly.

The shelter shared a heartbreaking clip to TikTok, which has been viewed more than 99,000 times, in which they wrote: ‘When you wait 500 days to find a home and then get returned after one week’

‘He was one of the longest stay dogs at the shelter and now he’s back again. He’s devastated. It’s not fair.’

Employee Kelsey Cler told Newsweek: ‘He seems bummed to be back at the shelter. There hasn’t been any interest.’

And dozens of other social media users rushed to the comments to share their sadness.

One wrote: ‘How heartbreaking. I would totally adopt him if I could. I pray his forever family gets him soon.’

Another added: ‘I’m sorry Drogo but your forever family out there. Hoping they get to you sooner now so you don’t have to keep waiting so long.’

And a third said: ‘Nooo. That’s so sad!! He deserves the best and most loving family.’

The Austin Animal Center, which shares regular updates on social media, has been documenting Drogo’s journey

And dozens of other social media users rushed to the comments to share their sadness about Drogo being returned

Drogo is currently still up for adoption – with no fee required.

His profile page on the shelter’s website states: ‘Drogo is a charmer, and meets people so gently that it is difficult not to fall in love with him at the first encounter.

‘When he helps train new volunteers at the shelter you can hear the oohs and awws around the room…

‘When you bring him back home, he will want to chill out with you on the couch. He thinks that he is a lap dog and no one had the heart to tell him otherwise.’

It continued: ‘This affectionate boy is dreaming of a home where he can get unlimited pets and love from his people.’