Formerly Ill and Hairless Bear Debuts New Coat and Happy Attitude After 2 Years of Rehab

Wow! Look at her now.

It’s been a long road for Eve, but she has finally reached her happy ending. This month, the bear, who was found dumpster diving and in desperate need of care in 2017, moved into her new home at the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas, an affiliate of the Humane Society of the United States.

On Christmas Eve 2017, Eve the bear was found in a dumpster in Northern California; she was 30 pounds, visibly ill and bald. According to HSUS, she had one of the worst cases of mange medical experts had ever seen. To help the bare bear, authorities moved her to the Fund for Animals Wildlife Center in Ramona, California. Here, Eve underwent nearly 2 years of rehab to treat her neglect, medical issues and mange.

As Eve recovered, it became clear to her caretakers that she wouldn’t be fit for release into the wild. Even though Eve has gained 130 pounds and has grown some of her fur back, she does not have enough of a coat or the skills necessary to survive the wild and interactions with other bears.

While she can’t return to her original home, Eve has found the next best thing. At Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch, she has her own spacious sanctuary-style enclosure, where she gets acres of land to roam, plenty of enrichment opportunities and dedicated care for her entire life.

“This incredibly strong and resilient bear will require life-long care and a special environment to help protect her. There is no doubt that without the intervention of the dedicated wildlife center staff, Eve would not have survived. We know her future now at our Black Beauty Ranch is a bright one and that all of her needs will be met for the rest of her life,” Kitty Block, president and CEO of the HSUS, said in a statement.

Eve has had no problems moving in, Noelle Almrud, director of Black Beauty, said, “Eve is an extraordinary bear and is already busy exploring her new home here. While her hair will never fully come back, she is otherwise healthy, feisty and showing typical wild bear behavior. We are grateful to be able to provide a permanent home for her.”

Eve and her uniquely gorgeous coat join the sanctuary’s more than 800 animals, which includes two other bears: retired traveling circus bears Tibor and Sammi.