Ferocious Battle of the Pride: Angry Lionesses Defend Their Cubs Against a Lone Male Intruder

Pride comes before a fall! Angry pack of lions chases away a lone male after he started threatening their cubs

This is the shocking moment lionesses help chase away an aggressive male after a massive fight erupted when he tried to take over their pride.

Three strong mothers helped two lions from their pack fight off the large male when it began roaring at their cubs.

The lionesses ganged up on him, pouncing on him from the front as the two males sneaked behind to fight him from all angles.

Brave lionesses pounce on an aggressive male who tried to take over their pride in the Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa

The ferocious fight was filmed in the Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa.

After the animals first traded blows, it seemed the fight was over as the lions could be seen scattering in separate directions.

But the aggressive male followed one of the lionesses, prompting another lion to square off with him.

They bit and clawed at one another before the three lionesses returned and began attacking him once more.

A lioness can be seen attacking the male as two other lions sneak behind him

Three lions stand their ground and the male is forced to retreat following the ferocious fight

Despite the shocking nature of the brawl, it is not uncommon for fights to erupt when male lions try to take over another pride.

At around two to three years old, young males leave their mother’s pride and are forced to battle for a new one.

They typically either kill off or chase away the males and kill the young cubs so they can start their own bloodline.