Ex-Marine’s Encounter with a ‘UFO with Scales’ Under US Forces’ Weaponry Loading Shrouded in Mystery

The UFO whistleblower has broken a 14-year silence to reveal the details of the close encounter with the craft that he claims was the size of a football field and covered in scales

An ex-marine claims he saw a flying saucer while on a mission in Indonesia

An ex-US marine claims he saw a flying saucer while on a mission in Indonesia.

The whistleblower has broken a 14-year silence to come out with claims about seeing the UFO with colleagues in 2009.

And in the shocking account he also reveals that they saw US forces loading the craft with weapons.

The UFO whistleblower has broken a 14-year silence to reveal the details of the close encounter (stock)

Michael Herrera, 33, who served four years in the US Air Force, also says he and his six-man unit from the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, Echo Co. 2nd Platoon, were threatened at gunpoint and told never to speak a word about the incident.

His unit was in the country on a humanitarian mission during the 2009 Sumatra earthquake.

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Herrera told DailyMail.com: “I could see something moving and rotating.

“It was changing colours between a very light matte grey to a very dark matte black. It stuck out like a sore thumb.

“The thing was massive, the size of a football field. The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colours.

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“It had an audible hum to it. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was black. It had ‘scales’ that were on the outside of the craft that covered the whole craft.”

Herrera was encouraged by new UFO whistleblower protections to speak out.

Zoom (2006)

Herrera also said that in 2017 he met UFO activist Dr Steven Greer at a conference who helped persuade him to tell his story.

He has now testified under oath to the government’s UFO investigation team, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and a Senate committee.

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The former marine said that when they got to within around 150ft of the craft, they were suddenly ambushed by eight men wearing all-black camouflage, bullet-proof vests, wielding M4 rifles with high-end night vision attachments.

With their weapons drawn, the men threatened to kill the marines and took their guns and ammunition from them, before proceeding to load “large weapons cases” from modified Ford F350 trucks onto a platform beneath the craft.

UFO expert Dr. Steven Greer

The marine unit eventually made it back to base and none of them ever mentioned their bizarre encounter – until now.

Herrera is also planning to tell his story at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on Monday (June 12) alongside four other UFO witnesses.