Enigmatic Encounter: Missouri’s Rotating Cube-Shaped UFO Captured, Igniting Speculation on Existence Beyond Earth’s Realm

Justin Johnson was on his way home from work in Springfield, Missouri, when he spotted something seemingly rotating in sky for nearly three minutes in a v-shaped arc over the city

A man says he is haunted by the UFO footage he recorded after spotting a rotating metallic cube-shape object in the sky.

Justin Johnson says the encounter happened on his way home from work in Springfield, Missouri, earlier this week.

The American spotted something he just couldn’t explain hovering over some shops in the city. In Justin’s footage, the object can be seen glimmering overhead, seemingly spinning as it hangs in the air.

The 30-year-old says it left him spooked – and others have come forward with similar experiences.

The man says there is no way we’re alone in the universe and his experience only made him more certain.

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Justin Johnson, who recorded the footage, says he is certain it wasn’t a balloon

He said: “I was driving northbound after I got off work and I noticed a very shiny object flying through the sky kinda heading in my direction.

“When I first spotted it, I thought it was one of our local hospital helicopters because it’s not that unusual to see them.

“As I got closer, it kinda started to look like trash blowing through the air.

“Once I got to my closest point with the object I could tell this was not trash – it looked like a solid metal cube that was rotating in multiple directions.

“It’s got lights around it – in the middle of the day,” Justin can be heard saying.

When the electrician started looking for answers, the mystery only deepened.

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“This thing has haunted me after witnessing it,” he said. “According to records, the object was flying against the wind that day so I don’t believe it was a balloon.

“Plus the Federal Aviation Administration said they showed nothing in that area during that time.

“I’ve never seen a drone like that and couldn’t understand how it would stay in the air with that much flipping.”