Dogs Left Starving in Home Could Not Reach Bag of Food in Other Room

Two dogs abandoned by their family at their home and left to starve are on the road to recovery thanks to a timely rescue.

Left alone for possibly weeks, the two dogs now named Gregory and Zak, were without food, without water and had to endure the sweltering summer heat.

“There was a bag of dog food in the one room – but the dogs were locked in another area and couldn’t get to it,” Speranza Animal Rescue writes on Facebook.

Thankfully, a neighbor noticed the dogs’ plight and called police. Officer Werner, from the Newberry Township Police Department in Pennsylvania, responded to the call and found the two dogs locked in a room.

The officer reached out to Speranza Animal Rescue who came to pick up the dogs and bring them back to their shelter.

Sperenza Animal Rescue says, “Both emaciated. Both hungry. Both thirsty. Both hot as hell. But both are now SAFE. Thank you a million times over to Officer Werner for fighting for these dogs when others wouldn’t…You sir. Are a hero.”

Despite the dogs’ poor physical condition, the dogs welcomed the attention they are getting from their rescuers.

Their recovery, however, will be slow and rescuers write, “These guys have a long road ahead to getting back to a normal weight.”

Gregory and Zak are now on a strict diet to avoid re-feeding syndrome but they are so happy to get the small meals throughout the day.

Sperenza says that it may take the dogs a little while to “realize they will never be left to fend for themselves again” but they are adapting quickly and love the attention they are getting.

One of the rescue’s supporters marvelled at Zak and Gregory’s attitude. Maria O’Connor comments on Facebook, “How are they so sweet after what they have been through??? My heart breaks and flows over at the same time.”

Sperenza responds, “Maria this always amazes us, total resilience.”

Laurie Carney, a volunteer at the rescue center, also tells CBS 21 News, “They’ve been very sweet since they got here,” Carney added. “Every dog is different. Some tend to be more shut down, some are just happy to be out of the elements they are in.”

Gregory and Zak are definitely in the latter category, lapping in the care they are getting. The pair are in “good spirits” and Sperenza shares, “We are so in love with these guys and are so grateful to have them here. From the looks of it Greg and Zak are too!

To support Zak and Gregory’s recovery and Sperenza Animal Rescue, please visit their website.