Dog Saves Owner By Swimming For 11 Hours To Raise Alarm After His Boat Capsizes

Dog Swims For 11 Hours To Raise Alarm After Owner's Boat Capsizes Off Queensland

Featured Image Credit: Queensland Police

A dog has been praised as a hero for helping her owner after his boat capsized in waters off Queensland.

Heidi the German Shepherd was spotted by a passing fisherman swimming in Moreton Bay amongst boat debris like a fuel tank, tackle box and wetsuit.

The fisherman raised the alarm with authorities, who immediately launched a search and rescue mission for Heidi’s owner.

Credit: Queensland Police
Credit: Queensland Police

Queensland Police brought out the big guns for the operation, enlisting the use of the Rescue 500 helicopter, four police vessels, a Marine Safety Queensland jet ski, the Volunteer Marine Coast Guard and the Volunteer Marine Rescue.

They eventually found Heidi’s owner clinging to his overturned 4.1-metre boat.

The 63-year-old was hauled to safety and explained to officers how his vessel lost power the night before and started taking in water.

Amazingly, he was in the water for 15 hours treading water and hoping someone would come to his aid. He added that poor Heidi would have been swimming for up to 11 hours in the dark trying to find someone to help.

When Heidi was reunited with her owner. Credit: Queensland Police
When Heidi was reunited with her owner. Credit: Queensland Police

What a bloody miraculous ending.

Senior Sergeant Jay Bairstow from Brisbane Water said: “We would take this opportunity to remind boaties to plan for the worst when they’re out on the water.

“Always wear personal flotation device and ensure that your safety equipment, including EPIRBs, are tested and in good order.

“Thankfully there was a happy ending to this search and Heidi was able to be our honorary PD for the day.”

Credit: Queensland Police
Credit: Queensland Police

When Heidi was scooped up from the water she was taken to the vet to be assessed and came with a clean bill of health. She was given some food and got some much needed rest after paddling for nearly half a day, before waiting for the return of her owner.

To put a cherry on top, Queensland Police made Heidi an honorary police dog for the day.

It’s just another example of how dogs really are human’s best friend. Sure, there might be cats or birds that save the day, but canines are always there for us when we need them most.

Just ask James White, who was saved from a shark attack by his beloved pit bull.

Credit: NBC
Credit: NBC
Credit: NBC
Credit: NBC

The fisherman was enjoying a fun day on the shore at Bodega Bay in Sonoma County California when he got a nibble on his line. He spent 10 minutes reeling in his sea monster, which ended up being a 180cm long sevengill shark.

Seemingly impressed with his catch, he held it up to unhook it, but the shark twisted and fell onto the ground. Probably realising it had one fight left, the shark sank its teeth into James’ leg and held on for dear life.

Darby, the 45kg pit bull was in James’ car and when it heard the commotion, it leapt through the gap in the window and came to it’s owner’s aid.

The pit bull decided to fight fire with fire and sank its teeth into the shark’s gills.

Eventually, the shark let go and James flicked it back into the ocean.