Country Road Showdown: Two Groundhogs Halt Traffic with Mid-Road Scrap

I always thought groundhogs were timid creatures who would avoid conflict at all costs, but now, I’m not so sure.

While we don’t know exactly where this takes place, a lady was able to capture a video of two of these, allegedly shy, creatures being not very shy at all.

In fact, it appears the two had some type of huge dispute which lead to an all out fight to the death, moving from the brush to the middle of the street.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… how crazy can a groundhog fight be?

Watch the video for yourself, it’s going to surprise you…

These guys will go from all out spazzy biting, to standing up looking like they’re kissing, back to spazzing out in a matter of seconds.

Is it as powerful as these two grizzly bears getting after it? Not quite, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive, especially given these guys are more known for making sheds collapse than brawling.

Put some respect on the groundhog’s name.