Constantly Startled: Meet the Hilarious Dog that Leaves Canine Lovers in Fits of Laughter with Its Ever-Surprised Expression

THIS HILARIOUS rescue dog has left canine lovers in stitches – as she constantly looks surprised due to a rare birth defect.

Belle is stuck with a permanent surprised facial expression (Image: SWNS)

Belle has gone viral for her comedic facial expressions caused by a condition which causes the muscles in her head to be stretched back. Despite her shocked expressions, owner Lieschen O’Connor, 38, from Kansas, US, says it only makes her more adorable.

As a result of her birth defect, Belle earns a lot of attention both online and offline.

Lieschen is regularly stopped in the street as passersby notice the hilarious expressions.

Belle does not experience any pain as a result of the condition.

Owner Lieschen adopted the Doberman cross in 2017 from Lawrence Humane Society – an organisation that provides care for homeless and abused animals.

Belle is a rescue dog (Image: SWNS)

She loves Belle’s funny facial expressions and says she is constantly told Belle is “the cutest pup ever”.

Bella has managed to win over 160,000 followers on TikTok who love watching videos of the pup.

One fan wrote “Her expressions make my heart swell” whilst another added: “She is the cutest dog on TikTok I love her so much”.

A third added: “I know why but she just looks so stunned all the time and it kills me.”

Belle was born with a rare genetic birth defect (Image: SWNS)

Belle has gained a large following on social media for her hilarious facial expression (Image: SWNS)

Lieschen, a project manager in higher education, from Tyler, Kansas, said: “She is gentle with other animals and great with kids.

“Belle is extremely sweet and a little goofy. If dogs could laugh, Belle would definitely laugh a lot!”

Lieschen has to administer eye drops for Bella as they often become dry from her constant open-eyed expression.

She added: “If people meet her in person, they usually comment that she is beautiful and has an expressive face.