Circus Bear Enjoys Her First Step In Freedom After 20 Years Of Being Abused

As we grow up, we have chances to experience new things and learn some more lessons. We understand that some moments take a long time to happen, and sometimes we can do nothing but wait for it. A circus bear named Cholita has waited for 20 years for the moment she can return to where she belongs – in the wild where she can feel freedom and liberty.

Life seems to be too harsh with the twenty-five-year-old spectacled bear. Separated from her mother since she was just a cub, Cholita was taken to the Peruvian circus where she was used to entertain people, but the treatment she got was unacceptable. The beast that had played happily in its jungle home stayed in a narrow cage, only went out to perform for people.

It was not hard to see how much sufferings she had been through after two decades. The bear looked emaciated and sick with most of her hair falling down. You can see the sadness in her eyes.

One day, a light of hope came to Cholita when the circus she was living in was found to work without the authority’s permission. It was forced to close, and but the animals there were moved into a zoo. Choliita didn’t get her chance to enjoy freedom!

Until ten years later, Cholita’s nightmare could be ended. Jan Creamer, the president of Animal Defenders International (ADI), spent her time searching for the poor beast and moving her to a better home. After twenty years of waiting, Cholita was able to enjoy the day she was set free in Taricaya Ecological Reserve. Her reaction was beautiful to behold! Watch the video below:

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