Caribbean Waters: Unidentified Submersible Objects (USOs) Emerge as a Puzzling Phenomenon

Recently the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) came out with a map depicting UAP hotspots. While the idea for such a map is laudable, the AARO data does not provide anywhere near a sufficient amount of data to make any such determination.

Something completely left out of the public discussion of the UFO phenomenon and remain largely unconfirmed by official government sources are the objects that are consistently observed beneath the surface of oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water, displaying behavior or characteristics that defy conventional explanation.

These objects called USOs are similar to UFOs: USOs are often likened to UFOs in that they are typically objects that move through the water with great speed, agility, or in ways not consistent with known human-made technology. They are frequently reported as glowing or emitting strange lights when observed underwater.

Theories about the origin and nature of USOs vary widely. Some speculate that they are extraterrestrial in origin, possibly indicating the presence of underwater alien bases. Others propose it is secret military technology.

USOs have been reported in oceans around the world, but some regions, like the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean and the Puerto Rico Trench, have had a higher frequency of USO sightings, however, when studying the phenomenon of Unidentified Submersible Objects we are developing some genuine data and we see that one obvious hotspot of USO activity, perhaps the leading spot in the world, is the Puerto Rico area / The Caribbean.

In the next video, historian Richard Dolan discusses several cases from the region.

INCREDIBLE exclusive images reveal why a TV explorer is convinced he found the lost city of Atlantis while searching for treasure on shipwrecks beneath the Bermuda Triangle.

Darrell Miklos, an experienced treasure hunter, also believes he has uncovered evidence that the legendary city may have been established by ALIENS – in what he says could be one of the “greatest discoveries of all time”.

Darrell made the discoveries while filming for his show Cooper’s TreasureCredit: Stewart Cook for Sun Online

Using secret sea charts left to him by the late NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper to find shipwrecks, the Discovery Channel explorer stumbled across a huge USO (unidentified submerged object) surrounded by evidence of an unknown ancient civilisation 290 feet underwater.

Over a 10-mile stretch of ocean beneath the Bermuda Triangle, Darrell and his team saw structures, foundations and roads – which they believe to be at least 12,500 years old because of their depth and the coral formations around them.

Astonishingly the Discovery Channel TV crew – who were filming for hit show Cooper’s Treasure – also uncovered a 600 feet wide unidentified object, which he believes may be an alien spaceship.

The strange USO has five cylinder structures which jut out to around 30 feet.

This is an artist’s recreation of what Darrell and his team saw – if the coral and debris was removedCredit: Discovery Channel

Darrell used a submersible vehicle to explore the areaCredit: Ample Ent/ Darrell Miklos

An artistic representation of the object, created using underwater footage and witness testimony, and given exclusively to Sun Online, shows an eerie clawed object – which looks like a landed spaceship.

Darrell said: “We went down there in a submarine looking for two shipwrecks that went down in the late 1700s in that area.

“We saw this huge unidentified object with protruding arms jutting out and we just said: ‘Oh my God what are we looking at? That is the weirdest thing.

“We were all awe-struck by it – it was kind of creepy.

The strange USO had horizontal arms – which Darrell said were like battleship canonsCredit: Ample Ent/ Darrell Miklos

Scientists believe the coral on the object is thousands of years old and could not have grown in this formation naturallyCredit: Ample Ent/ Darrell Miklos

The team found unexplained foundations and structures under the waterCredit: Ample Ent/ Darrell Miklos

“We didn’t know what we were seeing because if it was a shipwreck from the 1700s all the organic material would have disintegrated by now.

“But we were seeing objects sticking out horizontally like canons on a battle ship – it would be impossible for coral to grow that way.

“Then we investigated the wider area and we saw what looked like foundations, structures and a road or pathway.

“It looked like an underwater, abandoned ghost town – or ancient city.

One of the “arms” can be seen sticking out from the huge mound behindCredit: Ample Ent/ Darrell Miklos

Scientists are baffled by this close up picture – as the extreme currents should make it impossible for coral to grow at allCredit: Ample Ent/ Darrell Miklos

“I want to approach this scientifically and do more investigatory work – but we can’t rule out the possibility that this is an alien spacecraft that has crashed in the lost city of Atlantis – or that the lost city of Atlantis was established by people from other worlds.”

Darrell has explored over 20 sites from Cooper’s chart for the Discovery Channel show and has found a shipwrecks in each one.

The astronaut, who died in 2004, aged 77, made the maps from space – noting any anomalies he saw.

He then followed up by visiting many of the sites by boat, plane or diving and making detailed files to go with them, all of which have been left to Darrell, who was his close friend.