PENSACOLA BEACH, Fla. – Beachgoers came to the rescue after a massive shark was stranded on a Florida beach.

A woman caught the dramatic scene on video as her husband and some other men worked to bring the shark back into the water.

Her husband and a couple of other men grabbed the tail fin and pulled the toothy fish toward deeper water. The agitated mako shark, which dwarfed the man, struggled and thrashed. At one point, it threw the rescuers aside.

“Babe, it’s too dangerous, don’t be doing that,” the woman behind the camera yells.

Instead of flexing muscle in shark fashion, it chomped the air several times, showing off its deadly teeth.

“Babe, look at them freakin’ teeth,” she said on the video.

The woman said after a few attempts by her husband, two others joined in the dangerous rescue mission. They managed to pull it to deeper water.

The stunned shark was very still, with onlookers wondering if the animal was still alive.

Mako shark saved by Florida beachgoers in Pensacola, video shows

After a few moments to recuperate, the shark swam away, and the eyewitnesses gave the three men a standing ovation.

A Texas couple visiting Florida to celebrate their anniversary had a relaxing day in Pensacola Beach interrupted by a 10 foot Mako shark that washed ashore. WKRG reports Tina and Josh Fey were just chilling on the sand when they spotted a telltale dorsal fin in the water:

“It was just thrashing all around and I said, ‘We got to get her back in the water because she’s gonna die; something’s wrong….she’s sick; she might’ve got caught by somebody offshore.’” –Josh Fey

The task proved too difficult for Josh to accomplish alone but there were a few rough and ready bystanders who jumped in to help the rescue effort and lets just say it was tid bit sketchy. Not sure what would happen if a 10 foot mako’s thrashing tail caught you on the jaw but judging from the video it we very nearly found out.

They eventually got the big fella back in the water and will have a hell of story with accompanying footage when they get back to Texas. Wild.