Blind Puma’s Resilience: Heartwarming Tale of Rescue by a Compassionate Woman After Harrowing Accident in a Cornfield

“My blindness is not dark because you are there. No one is in the black night while they have the sun of another heart by their side.” – Teachings of Estanislao Monte (the blind puma).

Meet Estanislao, a blind puma, who was taken in by his caregiver Kai Patcha at The Pumakawa Animal Reserve in Argentina as a cub

Image credits: pumakawareserva

The Pumakawa Animal Reserve in Argentina, which is led by Kai Pacha, took in a blind puma named Estanislao. He went blind as a cub as a result of being run over by a harvester. That meant that Estanislao had no chance of survival on his own in the wild. Even as an adult, he cannot be around other mountain lions, but he has friends like his caretaker Kai, her dog Majo, and the rescued cougar cubs that come through the reserve. Kai and her co-workers do their best to give this puma the best life possible under the circumstances.

“Estanislao’s central nervous system has been permanently and irreversibly damaged, and he requires assistance; he cannot fend for himself,” Kai wrote on Instagram.

Unfortunately, he was injured when a harvester in a cornfield accidentally ran over him and his sibling

Image credits: pumakawareserva

“In the area of General Cabrera, Córdoba, a harvester ran over two puma cubs that were in a pit, frightened,” shared Kai.

They might have been looking for prey, alternative food to what the brushland can no longer provide. “This is a reality. On the one hand, it pushes us to work out the environmental situation. And then, to work with the community in education, to agree on safeguards: Something as simple as the harvesters considering the need to warn of their presence with noise, light, or motion, so that wildlife can move back to the sides,” told Kai to Lanacion.

Image credits: pumakawareserva

A family who witnessed what happened saw the mother take one of the cubs but not the other. They decided to give first aid to the abandoned cub, Estanislao

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As Estanislao’s blindness was irreversible, he would not have been able to survive in the wild

Image credits: pumakawareserva

“Estanislao could not survive in nature, so our challenge is to find a way for him to live comfortably. To find the techniques and strategies for his needs,” shared Kai on Instagram.

After his wounds healed, the family brought him to Pumakawa where he was taken care of by Kai Pacha and her dog Mojo

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Image credits: pumakawareserva

Over time, they developed a beautiful bond based on trust, and Estanislao now lives a happy and fulfilling life, despite his blindness

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Image credits: pumakawareserva

Image credits: pumakawareserva

Kai’s house is made of mud, and the heat from a salamander stove blends with the scent of burning palo santo in the air. It is situated within the two hectares now occupied by the reserve premises, but is set apart from the rest; it is separated from the first-aid room, the tiny home where volunteers sleep, the cafeteria, the handicraft store, the tree nursery, and the hall where the animal enclosures are.

Image credits: pumakawareserva

Image credits: pumakawareserva

Image credits: pumakawareserva

Image credits: pumakawareserva

Image credits: pumakawareserva