Blind dog dumped in freezing Dublin sea rescued by fisherman

The dog is now fighting for his life after he was found in Balbriggan Harbour in Dublin by a fisherman

A blind dog was rescued by fisherman at Balbriggan Harbour in Dublin after being dumped in the freezing water.

The frightened animal was near to death when he was found but still swimming and fighting for his life. Now named Ash, the year old Malinois is in the care of a dog sanctuary.

Workers at the sanctuary have been left totally shocked by his treatment, near death experience and miracle rescue. Eileen Treacy from Star Rescue told DogsLive : “We thought we’d heard it all but the story of Ash is incredible, remarkable and worthy of being shared because he is the dog who wouldn’t give up. Investigations point to him being dumped in the freezing waters of the harbour, another unwanted soul.

“We believe he was bundled into a vehicle and taken to the harbour and thrown into the water at an area he couldn’t escape from even if he had been able to see where he was. We believe he was thrown off the edge and left to drown, to die alone, terrified and confused on one of the coldest days of the year.”

The story of Ash has sickened the team at Star Rescue who deal with innumerable animal welfare horror stories but they say drowning unwanted animals is once again becoming more prevalent across the island of Ireland.

Ash was pulled out of the freezing waters by a fisherman at Balbriggan Harbour, Co Dublin on Thursday, December 8, when air temperatures were already freezing and sea temperatures deadly. He was taken to Dublin County Shelter but was too unwell and overwhelmed by the noise so his care was taken over on Sunday December 11 by one of the least funded animal sanctuaries in Ireland, Star Rescue.

A spokesperson said: “We just couldn’t say no. He had survived so much and we will do all we can to get him through. We really thought we’d experienced just about everything here but this takes things to a new level. Drowning unwanted animals used to be a thing of the past, but it’s happening a lot now.

“We have tried to imagine just what Ash experienced on the day he was meant to die at sea. Just imagine him being blind, his whole world already a scary place to be. He spent the first year of his life depending on people around him for food, water, shelter, safety.

“But one day he was bundled up into a car and this in itself must be a huge act of trust as a visually impaired creature. But with the fullest heart he got in. And when the driver pulled up, he could no doubt hear the sea and smell of salt in the air. Did he wonder if he was going for zoomies on the beach? Well that was not the end result.

“They found a place he couldn’t climb out from, a place you couldn’t escape from and someone threw him off the edge to let him drown on the coldest days of the year.

“We don’t know how long he was out there, or what kind of person could do this to such a soft and sweet animal . We can only imagine his fear with salt water stinging his damaged eyes, and his confusion with no idea which way was back to the land.

“How grateful we are for the fisherman who found him. He pulled this little dog’s freezing body onto his boat and dried him off. He saved him at just the right moment and gave him a chance when the world was turning its back and hope was nearly lost.

“Ash is the dog that wouldn’t give up. And we won’t give up on Ash.

He is a Malinois and it’s pretty clear at a glance something is very very wrong with him. Possibly genetics, possibly something even more sinister is brewing under the surface. His eyes bulge and shake. He is wobbly with a slight head tilt and has double cataracts covering his eyes. We won’t have the answer for a while as we need bloods and scans to come back.

“We don’t know what his future holds right now. All we know is we need to give a chance to the young dog who wouldn’t give up. This is going to be an expensive journey together. But we owe it to ash and his resilience, to his kind nature, to his gentle soul.

“At Star Rescue we have promised Ash this: You will never again suffer neglect and pain. You will never have to double guess the people who are caring for you. Your health and welfare will be put first, before our own feelings, wants and desires for you.”

On Tuesday night, December 13, Ash’s health took a turn for the worse. With no vaccinations, repeated stresses and the relief of rescue, food and warmth, vets say he succumbed to a bacterial infection. But with their help, he is fighting that too.

Eileen said: “It’s not the update we all wanted but Ash began to crash on Tuesday night and became very lethargic, he lost his spark and instantly we knew things were not good. He went down hill so rapidly that it left us all in shock. His blood work showed an infection has taken hold in his body and he is so vulnerable and struggling to fight it it off.

“He had stopped eating and drinking and as a result was placed on drip antibiotics and fluid therapy. Ash is fighting for his life with our vets right now. We would ask everyone to keep him all your good thoughts, prayers and give him energy to pull through this. We will give him everything single thing he needs right now Ash.

“We are fighting with him and for him. Gentle and loving Ash doesn’t deserve the life he has been dealt. He deserves to be in comfort with a loving family and we really hope we can get him there. But for now he is in the amazing hands of our vets and we couldn’t wish for better people to be caring for him.

“A dog’s life should be filled with happiness, love and experiences and we will not stand over any dogs unnecessary suffering or pain.

“If you can donate towards Ash and his vet bill that is going to huge it means the world to us. This dog has had everything stacked against him and we are determined to give him the best shot possible.”