Australian Wildlife eпсoᴜпteг: Huntsman Spider сарtᴜгed in Photo Devouring Pygmy Possum

A huntsman spider was spotted snacking on the world’s smallest possum.

A hunstman spider eating a possum (Justine Latton‎/PA)

A huntsman spider has been photographed eating a pygmy possum in Australia.

The picture was sent to Justine Latton by her husband, Adam, who was working at the Mt Field Lodge in Tasmania.

Speaking on local radio, Justine said: “He and his friend were up at the lodge doing a few light repairs on one of the doors there.

“He spotted this thing and goes ‘Rodger, don’t freak out, but look above your head’.”

The Hunstman spider was eating the small possum. (Justine Latton)

The Tasmanian pygmy possum is the smallest in the world, weighing on average 0.3oz (8g) and measuring 2in-2.4in (5cm-6cm).

Justine said this one was the “size of a large walnut” while the spider was the size of an adult’s palm.

Justine told local radio: “I think the picture is unusual because you don’t see huntsmen, or spiders in general, taking mammals very often.”

The pair had to remove the spider and possum before they could leave the room.

The spider and the dead possum were caught in an ice cream container and taken outside.