Animal footage: Gang of Lions trap and attack old leopard – WATCH

In the central-eastern parts of MalaMala game reserve, a pride of lions trap an old leopard up a tree. Watch.

A pride of lions trap an old leopard up a tree. The leopard panics and jumps from the tree into the pride of lions. Photo: Animal Sightings

In this latest animal sighting, a pride of lions trap an old leopard up a tree. The leopard panics and jumps from the tree into the pride of lions, who then attack it.

This heartbreaking sighting took place in the central-eastern parts of MalaMala game reserve, according to the Latest Sightings website.

The lions moved off and settled around a waterhole whilst the leopard groomed itself, the majority of the pride fell asleep, except for one female who kept a close eye on the leopard.

Then, the leopard soon realised its mistake and instinctively ran to a second marula tree and climbed up to avoid the lions, the lions gathered around the trunk of the tree with the leopard hissing at them from above.

A young lioness climbed up the tree and the leopard panicked and jumped out. Sadly, although landing without injury, it was surrounded by the lions.

After 30 minutes of fighting, one of the lionesses got a stranglehold on the leopard’s neck and bit down.