Against All Odds: Blind Puppies Rescued and Thriving on an Unconventional Grass Diet

Two adorable pups were discovered aimlessly roaming around a dilapidated garage, surviving solely on grass. They appeared lost and bewildered, leading to the assumption that they were abandoned in the vicinity.

After receiving a call from a concerned local resident, a rescue team sprang into action to save two adorable puppies in distress. Upon reaching the scene of the incident, the rescuers observed that the poor pups had no access to food or water, and were forced to resort to eating grass for sustenance. To make matters worse, both puppies were found to be blind. Moved by their plight, the rescuers provided them with some much-needed food which they eagerly consumed with great gusto.

After the puppies were rescued, they were taken to a veterinary clinic for an initial examination. Unfortunately, the results showed that they were born with a type of blindness called congenital b.l.i.n.d.n.e.s.s., which means they have no eye lenses and cannot see anything. Due to their young age, surgery is not currently an option for them. As a result, they were lovingly named Sasha and Dasha by their caretakers.

One of the rescuers kindly brought Sasha and Dasha home following their check-up. Upon arrival, they quickly adjusted to their new surroundings and happily indulged in playing and bathing. Fortunately, these furry felines also forged a friendship with Mia, who had also been rescued and adopted.

It is our desire to see an increase in pet adoptions and for pet owners to become more accountable in caring for their furry friends. You can witness the touching tale of Sasha and Dasha by checking out the video below.