Adventurous Black Bear Attempts a Mid-Air Bite at a Wily Beaver Hanging from a Rope

The more you learn about bears, the more fascinating they become.

They’ll raid your fridge, free soloa rock wall, fight on the highway and do their best monkey impression by swinging out on a rope to try and get a beaver snack.

An outfitter in Alberta, Canada captured a black bear absolutely giving it his all to get at a beaver that was hung up in hopes of being out of reach of predators.

Apparently, they underestimated the will of this guy as he shows some incredible grip and bite strength, along with top level athleticism.

It’s clear the two men filming are trying to stay quiet but are unable too witnessing the awesome, and extremely funny, scene unfolding in front of them.

I hope he at least got a bite or two off the beaver before falling down, otherwise that’s a lot of effort for nothing…