Abandoned Sick Dog Uses Leaves Under a Tree as a Bed

While out on their daily routine feeding the stray dogs in Greece, Valia and her fellow rescuers with DAR Animal Rescue noticed a dog lying under a tree. When Valia stopped to feed him she looked into his eyes and immediately knew that he was sick and needed help.

Valia quickly ran out to him, scooped him up and took him to the car. The spaniel is likely a hunting dog cast aside when he got sick and was no longer useful. As Valia drove the dog to the vet he howled from his crate. But he was patient, gentle and calm as the vet checked him over. He may have been cast off and left to die, but he’s in caring hands now!

In a heart-wrenching tale of abandonment and survival, a dog was left to fend for himself while sick and in need of care. But despite the odds stacked against him, he managed to find shelter under the fallen leaves of a tree.

It is unclear exactly how long the dog had been on his own, but it is clear that he had been struggling. His fur was matted, and his eyes were dull and listless. He had no source of food or water, and his body was weak and emaciated.

Fortunately, a kind-hearted passerby spotted the dog and recognized that he needed help. The Good Samaritan contacted a local animal rescue organization, which quickly dispatched a team to the area.

When the rescue team arrived, they found the dog curled up under the fallen leaves of a tree. He was barely responsive, and they knew that they needed to act quickly to save his life.

The team gently lifted the dog and rushed him to a nearby veterinary hospital, where he was examined and treated for his injuries and illnesses. Despite his dire condition, the dog showed a remarkable will to live, and he slowly began to recover.

As the dog regained his strength, the rescue team worked tirelessly to find him a loving forever home. And eventually, their efforts paid off. A compassionate family took in the dog and provided him with the love and care he deserved.

Today, the dog is thriving in his new home. He is happy and healthy, and he enjoys playing and snuggling with his new family. But he will never forget the difficult journey that brought him to this point, and the fallen leaves that served as his bed during his darkest hours.

This story serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination of animals, as well as the importance of kindness and compassion in our world. Even in the face of hardship and adversity, there is always hope for a brighter future, and there are always people willing to help those in need.