A Tale of Tiny Triumph: Tic Tac-Sized Puppy Overcomes Health Hurdles, Blossoming into a Feisty Dog

Many dedicated dog owners have experienced taking care of a litter runt. As small as it is, by giving it the best care, it could grow up to be a strong and lovely dog.


The pup, Kane, was just slightly bigger than the size of a Tic Tac box, and he also suffered from a cleft palate so it was hard for him to suckle on his mother’s breast. They had to force-feed the puppy using a tube to survive, and they kept him inside an incubator.

When the pup was six weeks old, his eyes finally fully opened. Leslie noticed that Kane was blind in his right eye, and she also saw scars on top of his left eye. She had doubts about whether Kane would grow up only half-blind, or fully blind.

This tiny bully grew up fierce as he lived with the other bulldogs.

Kane may have been tiny, but he could still hold his own with the other bulldogs. Even though he loved to cuddle with other dogs, Kane could also be as fierce as the other big dogs despite his size.

Eventually, someone fell in love with this adorable runt puppy and decided to adopt him.

The woman, Melissa, was partnered with several rescue groups. Despite not being a rescuer herself, she is an advocate of “Adopt, don’t shop.” She is also a bulldog lover and had raised several bulldogs in her home. When she saw little Kane, she instantly fell in love with him. She monitored the dog’s growth by having Leslie give her regular updates.


Kane now has a new family to live with. He is now part of Pudge The Pit family. Melissa made sure that Kane and her other bullies would get along, and now, Kane has grown up from a miniature pup to a healthy four-legged potato. And it’s all thanks to the rescue group’s and Melissa’s efforts and compassion.