A Mother’s Sacrifice: Homeless Dog Gives Birth on Sidewalk and Fiercely Shields Her Young Before Losing Consciousness

A dog had to face the harshest reality after being abandoned by her owner when she discovered that she accidentally got pregnant. She was left on a sidewalk to tend to herself and give birth alone to her puppies.

Without the intention of taking responsibility or giving her the care that she needed, the owner drove miles away from her house to leave the pregnant mother dog in a place where she could not return.

Unfortunately, many dogs have lived in this kind of situation in the hands of irresponsible owners who end up abandoning them like they were an old piece of furniture.

The days passed and the brave mother dog did everything possible to survive. Pregnant and living on the streets, her health worsened as days passed.

After trying to carry her pregnancy to term, she managed to give birth lying on a cardboard box on the sidewalk. Almost unconscious, her mother used what little strength she had to protect her young from her.

The brave mother gave birth to six cubs but sadly two of them did not survive. Amidst the tragedy, she tried to keep the rest of her puppies warm and fed, but she was too tired to fight alone.

It wasn’t until a passerby took pity and called on a woman who lives near the area who helps abandoned animals, so that the mother dog and her litter could be up for adoption and find a loving home.

However, it was not easy to gain the trust of the mother dog. At first, she did not let anyone get close to her, and her offspring; if they tried to get close she would attack, understandably, bringing out her protective mother instinct.

Here is a video to help us spread their story and raise awareness against animal abandonment.

Finally, the dog understood that they were not going to harm her or her babies, she calmed down and accepted the help of her rescuers.

They were quickly transferred to a veterinary clinic where they received the medical attention they needed, the mother was very weak but she was able to recover when she received the treatment. The puppies had to spend the next 48 hours in observation to determine if they survived or not.

The family was finally safe against animal abuse.

Incredibly, the remaining four puppies survived and each day and have gained weight. Their mother is feeding them well and has provided all the milk they needed.

The dog must follow a special diet, it is vital that she consumes all the nutrients that she needs.

Thanks to the generosity of a passerby and the incredible work of their rescuer, the entire furry family is safe and sound. We are saddened to know that the little dogs have undergone the worst treatment.

Please, let’s raise our voices and speak out in favor of those little dogs that silently suffer abuse at the hands of ruthless human beings.

Saving abandoned animals is truly admirable, do not criticize or underestimate those who provide shelter for them. Better follow their example and help them fight against cruelty to stray dogs. Take your stand and share if you are against animal abuse.