Foster Dog Has The Best Reaction To Finally Leaving The Shelter

“His smile was so big he couldn’t keep his eyes open!”

Ronnie arrived at Dallas Animal Services in mid-February after being found as a stray. From the second he got to the shelter, he was so thrilled to see everyone and clearly just wanted to be loved.

“He was a happy, friendly, wiggly boy who was so excited to see his human friends,” Marlo Clingman, the public information coordinator at Dallas Animal Services, told The Dodo.

Even though Ronnie seemed to be doing OK during his time at the shelter, the goal is always to get dogs out of there as quickly as possible and into loving foster or forever homes. Ronnie waited very patiently for his turn, and, finally, the day arrived.

“He was thrilled to meet his foster mom, Ashley,” Clingman said. “He was all smiles and wags from the second he hopped in their car.”

Ronnie’s new foster mom snapped a photo of the two of them as they headed home from the shelter — and that’s when she noticed just how happy Ronnie truly was.

“His smile was so big he couldn’t keep his eyes open,” Clingman said.

Ronnie couldn’t believe he was finally heading off to be a part of someone’s family, and he smiled so hard it practically fell off his face.

The smiley pup is now all settled into his foster home and is absolutely loving life. He’s very well behaved and gives everyone around him lots of kisses every chance he gets. He’s going to make the best dog for a very lucky family, and his foster family can’t wait to see who ends up stepping forward to adopt him.

“Ronnie loves to play and would be happy to have a big doggie buddy to romp around with or at least a friend to have playdates with,” Clingman said. “He likes men and women equally — he loves his foster mom and dad so much for breaking him out of the shelter. He has met a toddler and did great — he gave him a big sloppy, doggie kiss!”

Eventually, Ronnie will find his forever home. In the meantime, he’s all smiles in his foster home, finally getting all the love he deserves.