Woman Tries To Sing Michael Jackson In Car, But When Dog Interrupts She Can’t Stop Laughing.

There’s nothing quite like singing along to the car radio. And it’s even better when your dog joins in, as this video proves.

What kinds of music do dogs love? It sounds like a question with an impossible answer. But if this video is anything to go by, they love the King of Pop’s discography.

That’s right, Honey the dog loves Michael Jackson’s music.


The video begins with Honey’s owner pulling out of her home in her car. Honey sits next to her in the passenger seat.

YouTube Screenshot – Honey TheDog

Then the owner turns on the CD player. The opening notes to a song that Honey is very familiar with start playing. It’s Will You Be There by Michael Jackson.

The dog gives a long appreciative howl. That’s right, she loves the song that much.

YouTube Screenshot – Honey TheDog

The owner laughs. She knows that this is only just the beginning.

The music keeps on playing, and the dog keeps on howling non-stop.

YouTube Screenshot – Honey TheDog

Then Michael Jackson starts singing, and the dog’s howls try to mimic the lyrics.

Honey then looks at her owner just to make sure that she’s enjoying the song as much as she is.

YouTube Screenshot – Honey TheDog

She’s pleased to see her singing too, even if the sounds are drowned out by the howling.

Then the owner starts laughing. Honey must be confused. After all, the song isn’t that amusing. What could be so comical?

Luckily, the video then appeared on Honey’s YouTube channel, where it soon went viral. To date, it has gained over 1 million views. It also has more than 1,500 likes and 100 comments. People have been saying things like this:

YouTube Screenshot – Honey TheDog

Clearly, people love Honey and her appreciation for music.