Happy The “Singing” Sheepdog Joins Dad For Adorable Street Performance.

This barking mad performance sees a brilliant busking man-and-dog duo singing along together in perfect harmony.

On the streets of Queenstown, one barmy busker is playing Pearl Jam’s classic track, “Last Kiss”, with a very interesting twist – his doting dog steps in to supply some backing vocals.

Plucking out the chords with an impressive gravely vocal, this troubadour’s trusty sidekick then joins in intermittently with a bluesy bark, proving to be more Howlin’ Dog than Howlin’ Wolf.

Drawing in huge crowds across the day, the shaggy singer proved to be quite a hit with those in attendance, as several flocked over with donations in appreciation of the promising PAWformer’s stunning set.

Watching on in awe at the unique performance, Sophie Adams said: “It was definitely a surprise.

“I’m a huge dog lover, and I’ve never seen anything like it before – it certainly made my day.

“We spoke to the busker after his performance and he was a really funny guy.

“He said he asked his dog what he wanted to do with his life and that his dog responded that it would like to be an astronaut.

“He then said he told his dog he couldn’t arrange that, so the dog decided to become a rock star instead.

“The act got a lot of attention that day, we returned several times to watch them sing together.

“I can safely say I’ve never seen a man and dog singing together before.

“They both very much deserve the fame.

“Let’s hope we see them taking over the charts soon.”