Man sets all turtles free after he bought them from food market

Arron Culling saw two turtles being sold as food in a wet market, and decided to take action.

He bought the turtles, put them in the back of his truck, drove 5km to where it was safer, and released the turtles into their natural habitat.

This inspired Culling to continue to support the turtles. He bought and released all the turtles he could afford.

According to his Facebook page this is the ninth of tenth time he and friends have done so.

Watch: The miraculous journey of the an infant sea turtle as it becomes an adult, and how humans have made their this harder:

The turtle-loving New Zealander took this one further and started a foundation to help the turtles in Papua New Guinea.

However, he had to change jobs and is no longer able to support the turtles.

Turtles as a species are of the most endangered in the animal kingdom, despite being on planet earth for over 100 million years.

They face dangers from multiple fronts. They are often caught in finishing nets, where they drown to death before they can be released.

Climate change is destroying their habitats across the world (specifically ocean plastic). And yes, humans hunt these peaceful creatures for turtle meat.

How to protect the sea turtles?

The good news is that humans behavior changes could make a substantial difference to turtles.

Watch: How to protect the sea turtle:

Lighting is so critical to newly hatched turtles’ life cycle. The babies use the moonlight and starlight to get to the relative safety of the ocean.

If you are on a beach during nesting or hatching season, do everything in your power to eliminate human-light at night. This includes campfires, phones, and hotel room lights.

If you come across a mother turtle, do your best to not disturb her at all. If she feels frightened, she may return back to sea without laying her eggs.

The U.S. Fishers and Wildlife also recommends you do not disturb the ecology of the sea when you are visiting. It recommends not leaving any beach furniture laying around, removing all garbage you create, and protecting vegetation that grows on the beach.

Reducing your plastic footprint is another major step one could take to help the turtles. Especially helium balloons when our in the open, straws and other plastic trash when picnicking on the beach.