Lions take down kudu in dramatic hunt

Lions are notoriously lazy. If you’re lucky enough to spot these big cats in the wild, chances are they’ll be lounging under a tree or napping in the midday heat – something that occupies about 20 hours of their day. But when these lethargic felines switch to hunt mode, it’s always a thrilling spectacle.


While on safari in South Africa’s Thornybush Game Reserve, a group of tourists on a game drive vehicle witnessed this incredible sighting of a small lion pride taking down a kudu bull. Lions are skilled hunters, but with size and formidable horns on their side, kudu are certainly not easy prey.

And while we’re all for getting closer to nature, we reckon this vehicle got just a little too close. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Lions are notoriously lazy. If you’re lucky enough to spot these big cats in the wild, chances are they’ll be lounging under a tree or napping in the midday heat – something that occupies about 20 hours of their day. But when these lethargic felines switch to hunt mode, it’s always a thrilling spectacle.

While on safari in South Africa’s Thornybush Game Reserve, a group of tourists on a game drive vehicle witnessed this incredible sighting of a small lion pride taking down a kudu bull. Lions are skilled hunters, but with size and formidable horns on their side, kudu are certainly not easy prey.

It’s not often you get to see a kill on safari. A lion taking down a kudu right on the road? Even rarer. Several safari guests in Kruger National Park recently witnessed this scene right in front of their cars.


Liana Bierman, who was the first on the scene, told Latest Sightings: ‘We turned a corner on our way to Lower Sabie and a male lion had just stepped into the road in front of us! It was busy patrolling its territory. We ended up following him for around 2-3km. This was the last thing we expected would happen.’

Another lucky guest, Nicole Tobias added: ‘For anyone else lucky enough to see a kill, try and take it all in, even though your adrenaline is surging. And please try be considerate as you can, we saw lions tracking down the road the next day too, and once again, cars followed them on both sides of the road, pushing in from behind us constantly’.