You’ll See The Back Of My Trunk! Bad-tempered Elephant Hits Baby With Massive Trunk Before Mum Intervenes

An angry male elephant lashed out and hit a baby with its massive trunk twice before the mum intervened.

Photographer Duncan Noakes captured the violent outburst at the Addo Elephant National Park, on the Eastern Cape of South Africa.

The incredible footage shows an aggressive African Savannah Elephant breaking up a casual waterhole get together by attacking an infant that was no older than one-week-old.

The ginormous Elephant spun around in order to smack the tiny infant on its backside, causing the little baby to squeal in pain before trying to sneak away.

Unfortunately for the little one, he stepped right in the line of sight of the angered Elephant for a second time, who gave the baby another hit with its heavy trunk.

The screaming babe was coddled by their mother, who took her child away from the lone bull who was not part of their herd.

Duncan said: “It was a hot, dusty and dry day and the temperature was close to 40 degrees.

“The baby was briefly separated from its mother while she drank water.

“The baby seemed to be very tired due to the very hot conditions and they seemed a little lost and confused.

“So, the baby turned to the big male Elephant for comfort and protection, but instead of protecting the baby the irritable male Elephant smacked the baby with its trunk.

“I think due to the heat and his thirst, the elephant was not in a good mood.

“It was unexpected and I immediately hoped that the baby was not harmed.

“The trunk of an Elephant can weigh as much as 140 kg and is packed with muscle.

“But it can also be used in a very delicate way as can be seen when the mother Elephant drew the baby closer to herself.”